Bank Verification
All prospective tenants are required to fill out our Rental application, Employment Verification form, and Bank Verification form. This effort to investigate creditworthiness can only be undertaken with your express and complete signed approval. If you do not wish to have your credit investigated, please return these papers and look elsewhere for residency.
Please fill out the form below in the area required for you to do so.
To be filled out by the prospective Tenant
My Current Bank’s name, address, phone number, email, and contact person:
My Bank Account Number: ____________. Other Accounts: ______________.
Date Opened: _____________.
Average Balances (approximately): _____________.
To be filled out by the Bank
Your customer has authorized us to get confirmation of his or her bank account, date opened, and average balances. Please review the information as listed above and mail or fax this back to us based on the data on our letterhead.
The above facts are true: ________. If not, the following facts are true: _____________________________________________________________________. Any other comments that you believe appropriate: _____________________________.
Attach any standard response you may have to simplify your response.
To be filled out by the prospective Tenant
I authorize the Landlord to conduct a credit investigation for the purposes of being approved as a Tenant in their facility or facilities. I further authorize my Bank to verify the information I have provided above and to comment on it further to the extent the Bank believes the information is right or wrong. I hold both the Landlord and my Bank harmless for any claims against them for filling out this form, commenting on the form, or any discussions regarding this form and its subject matter.
________________ Date:
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