viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

Guardian of Minor Children, Conditional

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Guardian of Minor Children, Conditional

Whereas, ______________________ and ___________________, are the parent and natural guardians of the following child (ren):


I designate _____________ of ___________, _________ to act as guardian of the minor child (ren) stated above upon my incapacity to so act.

Should _____________ be unable or unwilling to serve, I nominate _____________ of _________, _________ to act as the guardian of the minor children in the place of _____________.

Upon my disability, the designated guardian shall have the following authority:

a) Residential custody of the minor child (ren);

b) Approve medical treatment of any kind or type or to disapprove the same within the bounds of the law;

c) Designate schooling for the minor children, and access to any and all of their educational records;

d) Generally act in loco parentis.

In the event that I am the custodian of any property for the minor children under the Uniform Transfer to Minor's Act, or the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or similar statute, I designate the guardian or successor guardian to act as custodian for all such custodial property.

In the event that formal legal proceedings are commenced to establish a guardian for the child, it is my desire that the guardians mentioned herein have priority in appointment.

The failure to list an individual as a guardian or successor guardian is intentional.

Dated: __________________________



STATE OF ________________

COUNTY OF _______________

Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared the above signatory (signatories) who acknowledged to me execution of this durable power of attorney.



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