jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

Bulk Sale, Notice to Creditors

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Bulk Sale, Notice to Creditors

______________________ conducts a business engaged in _____________, at ________________, ____________, __________. _____________ has contracted to sell to _____________, in bulk, the following:


Pursuant to Article 6-104 of the Uniform Commercial Code, _____________ herewith lists all creditors of _____________.

Undisputed creditors:


See attached Exhibit One

Disputed creditors (the following entities claim that they are owed sums, however, _____________ disputes the same):


See attached Exhibit Two


For _______________

As its: Owner

Exhibit One: Undisputed Creditors

Exhibit Two: Disputed Creditors

STATE OF ___________

COUNTY OF __________

______________________________________________________, appeared before me, and swore or affirmed that the foregoing list of creditors is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Dated: ____________________________


Notary Public

My Commission expires on:

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