viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

Trip Permission Slip

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Trip Permission Slip

______________, referred to as PARENT, is the parent and lawful guardian of ____________, a minor, and agrees:

_______________________ is organizing a trip for the purpose of: ____________________________________ on _____________ through _____________.

____________ has the permission of PARENT to participate in this trip and all activities thereof.

______________, ____________ and the other employees and adult agents of ______________________ are herewith given the following authority on the dates stated above:

To consent to any medical treatment that may be required by ___________________ in the place and with the same authority as ___________________.

Further, in consideration of the services performed by _________ _____________________ (“Volunteers”) and the employees, servants and agents of ____________________________, ____________, ______________ and the other employees and agents of ___________________ School Board are herewith released from liability for all actions taken in good faith during the trip.

Dated: ______________________________________


Parent or Legal Guardian

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